Many, many matters appear every now and then in our clime. We are a rich and poor country at the same time – depending of course on what one is observing. And to observe what one wants to observe or is observing dispassionately is a task that is not easy. If one happens to be a professional reviewer or critic or observer of happenings in order to put before the nation a new order of doing things patriotically, one must be ready to go the whole hog. This is a task that is a task. If need be, one must be ready all the time to follow the hounds.
Our sincere writers, journalists, columnists, commentators must be prepared to do all the time all they must do for our common good – and ride to hounds, and be a Nietzsche if they must. The task is not necessarily or essentially one of revolution even if one wants to be stubbornly stubborn in order to accomplish it. That is to say that if there is the need for readjustment as we follow the hounds we must do so.

Perhaps a popular news establishment noted for its caustic ideas and severe criticism of our central government and our mean politicians generally had this at the back of its mind when it declared (or was trying to declare) for us its personages and dignitaries as our country’s dignitaries and personages of our rottenly rotten and wickedly wicked 2024.
What the news establishment observed in the gone year of undiluted evil was partly the same scene we observed, but in a different and more distant angle. What was visible to the naked eye of the said establishment was clearly invisible to my eminent eye. What I saw in the vast panorama of our country and what I am seeing now in the same equally vast landscape with its minute objects cannot but be different from the news establishments. What I will call my compound lens compels me to take another route. I gauged exceedingly well the objects surrounding us last year. None deserved to be estimated in the preposterous 2024 of mass destruction of our sensibilities and all we tried to cling on to dearly.
In fact, 2024 was a frail year of miscellaneous events and matters that generally did not put this country your country my country our country in good, in any good, standing. To say otherwise cannot but amount to a bitter over-estimation of the bitter year and a ridiculous over-estimation of any dignitary so-called. Hence here and now I must turn my back on the passage of the period and time that brought us the seemingly ineradicable memory of 2024 of dirty, tragic assortment. But if anything, only our women in positions of trust and authority in private or public service need to be celebrated. But how many of them in the dirty year of agony would be accorded their due recognitions without qualms? Where am I leading or dribbling you my readers to?
Now in the beginning of this New Year ill-assorted matters (as happened last year) have maybe begun to stare at us, to stare us in the face. Although of different kinds and colours, we must try to appraise them before they damage us further, before they unimaginably hurt our sensibilities further in this fresh year.
Let me take two matters relating to our traditional institutions in the Kingdom of Oyo and the Emirate of Kano respectively. With respect to the Oyo Kingdom, Governor Seyi Makinde has recently accepted the candidacy of Prince Akeem Owoade as the Alaafin of Oyo-designate. In doing what he has done, rightly or wrongly, the governor has behaved as the exceptional literary critic.
Based on the news that filtered to him, allegedly with respect to the alleged shenanigans of the Oyo Mesi, the kingmakers, that is, whose traditional duty was/is to select/elect the Alaafin-designate, Governor Makinde had to assess and reassess the situation. His perspicuous and deeply informed reading of the situation led him to a stimulating direction that enabled him to initiate workable standards that have given Oyo Kingdom the new Alaafin of Oyo.
Under the watchful watch of the sharp governor some positively new standards have been granted the cultivated society of Oyo. Whatever disagreements or feelings or sensations arising from those who do not approve of what the governor has done are not or may be nothing short of ill-sorted disagreements or feelings and sensations. Oyo citizens should rally round the new Alaafin and the governor – no matter what. They must not parrot the opinions and views of devious planners who want to invite chaos to Oyo Kingdom and Oyo State.
Now with respect to the Emirate of Kano, my simple plea is this: The hierarchical order that is in agreement with conformity in favour of Emir Muhammadu Sanusi 11 should be obeyed and maintained. I am saying this based on my picture of the matter there, the matter that the Appeal Court has resolved in favour of Emir Sanusi 11 and the government of Kano State.
Indeed, what happened to Emir Sanusi 11 abinitio happened because it was allegedly designed primarily by the designer who else but the designer with a capital G that begins his surname? He and his cohorts are allegedly still pursuing Emir Sanusi 11 – but to what eventual end? They should let the matter rest now. If not, what will visit Kano – the Emirate and the State – will be ill-assorted confusion, chaos, “sorrow, tears and blood” unimaginable.
If the antagonists have any critical intelligence they should bury their zeal for what they are planning that will not even benefit them in the long run. If they accede to my plea they will eventually enjoy well-assorted sweets of tongues of honey and of peaceful minds whose ornaments shall be the ever-lasting ornaments of greatness of rich purple.
To the princes and intellectuals of Kano, I ask: Where are thou? Where are you all? Why the question(s)? You will know if and when my plea is not heeded. Meanwhile, let me play with Nietzsche – as I enjoy his assorted matters that are honey to my inquisitive and inquiring inquiries endorsed by my Endorser.
There are other matters relating to our football, our public universities, and insecurities in the Niger Delta. But I will let them be until another day and time when my watchfully watchful naked eye will allow me to dwell on them (and other big matters) with the kind authorisation of the Supreme Spiritual Masters of Merit (SSMM).
Afejuku can be reached via 08055213059.